MSOE students are future business leaders, win national competitions
MSOE students win business competition

From left: Ben Kraft, Nathan Johnson, Alex Kuriantyk
MSOE students from a variety of majors competed at the Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) National Leadership Conference in Chicago and brought home several awards:
Benjamin Kraft
Wisconsin PBL State Vice President of Events
Major: Computer Engineering
Hometown: South Beloit, Ill.
1st place: Computer Concepts
5th place: Help Desk
Nathan Johnson
MSOE PBL Chapter President
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Waukesha, Wis.
2nd place: Macroeconomics
3rd place: Project Management
6th place: Microeconomics
Alex Kuriatnyk
MSOE PBL Chapter Vice President
Major: BBA Accounting
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wis.
10th place: Accounting Principles
Kraft, Johnson and Kuriatnyk qualified for the national competition by virtue of winning first or second place at Wisconsin’s State Leadership Conference (read more).
While at the National Leadership Conference in Chicago they attended breakout sessions and keynote addresses, and met other college leaders from around the country. For the four-day leadership conference the students will have a chance to network with business students from all 50 states, attend breakout sessions, and compete against the 1st and 2nd place winners from those states in their chosen leadership and business events. This is the 17th year in a row that MSOE students have qualified for the national conference, (excluding 2020 when it was canceled due to COVID).
Dr. Trina Moskalik serves as both the MSOE chapter and Wisconsin state advisor for PBL. MSOE’s Phi Beta Lambda chapter is a student organization open to all MSOE majors. The Rader School of Business has been affiliated with FBLA/PBL since 2006.