MSOE team places first at AEI Student Competition
MSOE students were among the winners in the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2018 Student Design Competition. The annual competition challenges universities throughout the United States to design a building that integrates and optimizes energy conservation, environment, safety, building security, structural and material durability, accessibility, cost-benefit, productivity, sustainability, functionality and operational considerations.
In the 2018 competition, 18 teams registered. Teams from only five universities, including MSOE, Kansas State, Lawrence Tech, Penn State and the University of Nebraska, were invited to present at the finals before a volunteer panel of practitioner jurors.
MSOE’s finalists competed in the following events and took first place in the Electrical Systems Design category. Dr. Christopher Raebel, associate professor and architectural engineering program director, is the team’s advisor.
Building Integration
Holly Denfeld
Deanna Engelmeyer
Jake Landry
Greg Lisowski
Rachel Lynde
Max Morache
Mike Osep
Alex Phillips
Michelle VanBuskirk
Construction Management and Development
Holly Denfeld
Greg Lisowski
Electrical Systems Design
Holly Denfeld
Alex Phillips
Mechanical Systems Design
Jake Landry
Mike Osep
Structural Systems Design
Deanna Engelmeyer
Rachel Lynde
Max Morache
Michelle VanBuskirk
This year, students were challenged to address the design, integration, and construction issues associated with the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. To complete the challenge, students collaborated in multi-disciplinary teams and used architectural engineering knowledge and experiences to create innovative solutions. Teams considered how engineered systems integrate with building architecture while emphasizing smart building technology integration, as well as disaster and emergency response planning.