Probation Status—Additional Information
What does it mean to be on academic probation?
Probation is an academic warning. Both a cumulative GPA and a cumulative major GPA of 2.00 or above are required for graduation. If, after the fall and/or winter quarters, your cumulative or cumulative major GPA is below a 2.00, you will be on academic probation.
This quarter of probation is a good time to work on resolving any issues that are impeding your academic success to ensure you will be more successful in future terms.
What does the probation status mean for me?
Expected Advisor Meeting
You are expected to meet with your academic advisor by Friday of week 4 to discuss your academic difficulties. Please contact your advisor to set up an appointment.
Reflection Document
After each term you are on probation status, you are strongly encouraged to submit a reflection document to the Registrar. The purpose of the reflection document is to give you an opportunity to objectively evaluate your academic performance and allow you to communicate the specific causes of your academic difficulty. The reflection document should address these three questions:
- What do you believe are the factors that negatively affected your success at MSOE?
- What is your plan to address these factors?
- List three specific action items that you will complete in the coming term to resolve your academic problem area
While this document is not required, if you are subject to suspension at the end of the academic year, this document will serve as your voice during the review of your record.
Raider Success Courses
Freshmen and sophomore students who have a term, major or cumulative GPA below a 2.00 will be required to take a Raider Success Course. Students are notified by the Raider Center for Academic Success before the start of the term regarding enrollment requirements, course options and availability, and registration. The Raider Success Courses include:
OR-0911 Foundations of Student Success 1 credit; letter grade earned
In this course, students make improvements with time management, study habits, class engagement, procrastination & motivation, as well as mental and emotional health, to become independent learners and successful MSOE students. A student considering taking this course, might identify with one of the following statements:
- My week controls me rather than me being in control of my week.
- I struggle to maintain energy for my classes and my academic responsibilities.
- My college experience consists of attending class and studying, leaving little room for exploring interests or meeting new people.
- No matter how much time I spend studying, I am not earning the grades I would like.
- I make poor decisions of how I spend my time, which impacts the grades I earn.
OR-0912 Student Support & Academic Intervention 0 credits; pass/fail grading; pre-requisite: OR-0911 and/or instructor approval
In this course, students work one-on-one with a Raider Success Coach on goal setting, learning strategies, improving study habits & time management to evolve with their changing expectations and/or environment. A student considering taking this course, would state:
- Until now, I haven’t faced many academic challenges.
- The online learning environment has been difficult to adjust to.
- Recently, I found it hard to keep accountable to the tasks I set out to do.
- I value the advice of others and welcome an opportunity to talk about my challenges.
- A few check-ins throughout the term would help my grades improve.
OR-0913 Perspective, Potential & Purpose 1 credit; letter grade earned; pre or co-requisite: OR-0911
In this course, students work to better understand their personal career-related values and goals, current motivation and continued capacity to lead a life with purpose. A student considering taking this course is interested in addressing one of the following statements:
- I am unsure whether I’ve chosen the right major.
- I would like to build skills to be effective in a career.
- Which of my strengths and interests align with a career I’ll find satisfying?
- Recently, it’s hard to stay motivated in class and I know something needs to change.
- I expected more hands-on learning and I find it challenging to do well in my classes.
OR-0914 Mood, Mind & Movement 1 credit; letter grade earned; pre or co-requisite: OR-0911
In this course, students address their personal well-being & health by building and implementing a wellness plan as it relates to physical, nutritional, emotional and mental health. A student considering taking this course would connect with a statement similar to:
- To keep me balanced, I am interested in exploring my mental, emotional and physical health.
- Self-care is important, and I would like to be more intentional in my practice of it.
- I would take my well-being more seriously if I was worked on it with someone else.
- I’ve noticed a change in my energy and welcome the opportunity to work on changing that.
- It’s been a challenging year and having a term to intentionally take care of myself is uplifting.
Extracurricular Activities
All full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for active membership in student organizations. A student with less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA may not have officer-level responsibilities in any student organization or extracurricular activity, serve as a student representative on any institutional committee or represent the university as a member of any MSOE athletic team. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the organization of ineligibility and the organization’s responsibility to inform the Student Activities staff. In addition, academic eligibility will be reviewed periodically by the Student Activities staff for student organizations and is reviewed quarterly by the Registrar’s Office and the Athletic Department for intercollegiate athletics.
Please note: Academic probation and financial aid warning are two separate policies with different criteria.