Withdrawing from All Classes, Taking a Leave of Absence, or Departing from the University
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Milwaukee School of Engineering understands that there are circumstances that require students to withdraw or take time away from school. Students considering taking a leave of absence, withdrawing from all classes or requesting a university departure, if they have not already, are encouraged to discuss their specific circumstances with the Raider Center for Academic Success, their faculty advisor, or other campus support staff.
There is a common form that needs to be submitted in order to officially withdraw from all classes, take a leave of absence or depart the university. The required form is available here and hard copies are available in the Registrar’s Office. Forms must be completed with the necessary signatures before submission to the Registrar’s Office. Tuition refunds will be based on the date of official withdrawal, NOT on the date of last class attendance. Please contact the Registrar's Office with questions about the form.
Would you like to talk with someone about your situation, the options available, or the process? If so, please fill out this inquiry form and someone will reach out to you. This inquiry form is not required, and filling it out does not withdraw you from your classes.
Explanation of Options
Withdrawal from All Classes
What is it?
A withdrawal from all classes is a removal from all current term classes after the Friday of Week One with the intent to re-enroll for the subsequent term.
The deadline to withdraw from all classes is Friday of the 10th week of classes at 4:30 p.m. The official form must be submitted to formally withdraw from all classes. Mere absence from classes is not an indication of a formal withdrawal. A withdrawal will result in a final grade of W being reported for all registered classes. During the summer term, the deadline to withdraw from all classes is the Friday of the week before the final exam. If there is no final exam scheduled, the deadline is the Friday of the week before the final class meeting at 4:30 p.m. A student who withdraws from all current classes for any two consecutive terms will have a hold placed on their account. The student will need to submit a written explanation of the circumstances that led to the withdrawals and may need to meet with an ad hoc committee to discuss their readiness to return to classes. The committee will determine whether the student is allowed to register or must take additional time off.
Leave of Absence
What is it?
A leave of absence is a planned interruption of attendance for one or more terms, but less than two years, before continuing with courses.
The deadline to submit a request for a leave of absence is 4:30 p.m. on Friday of the first week of the term in which the student wishes to take a leave of absence, or it can be completed in conjunction with a withdrawal from all classes. Students who are absent for one or more terms without officially taking a leave of absence may need to reapply and be reconsidered for admission to the university.
University Departure
What is it?
University departure is a separation from the university, either during the current term or in between terms without intent of re-enrollment.
The official form must be submitted to formally request a university departure and ensure a successful transition from enrollment at MSOE. The official university departure request can be submitted at any time, either in conjunction with a withdrawal from all classes or independently for the subsequent term. Submission of an official university departure request does not prevent a student from re-enrolling at MSOE at a later date.
Medical Leave of Absence or Withdrawal
What is it?
If there is a need to take some time off due to a medical or mental health concern, a medical leave of absence or withdrawal can be considered. The Dean of Students Office will assist with coordination of medical leave along with re-entry to the university. Contact Dean of Students or call (414) 277-7175 for more information or to start that process.
Military Call to Active Duty or Training
What is it?
MSOE is committed to supporting students who have been called to active duty and/or training by any branch of the United States Armed Forces prior to or during periods of enrollment. The university will work with students on the best course of action, taking into consideration the time of the term, length of activation and the student’s specific needs. Students who are called to active duty should contact the Dean of Students Office at Dean of Students or (414) 277-7175 for support and the VA certifying official if they are receiving military benefits.
Completing the Process
1) Talk to the Raider Center for Academic Success, faculty advisor or trusted MSOE staff member to discuss your options and what course of action may be best given your specific circumstances. Each student situation is unique and there are several options available to students. Depending on your specific situation, each option has potential benefits and potential consequences. It is in your best interest to find out more about the options in relation to your specific situation before making a final decision.
2) Download or pick up the official Withdrawing from all Classes, Taking a Leave of Absence, or Departing from the University form from the Registrar’s Office.
3) Obtain required signatures and speak to recommended offices.
Required signatures:
- If you have an MSOE laptop, please return it to the IT Help Desk. Failure to do so will result in a charge on your student account.
- If you live in an MSOE residence hall, please contact one of the hall directors or the director of housing to assist with move out.
- If you are attending MSOE on a student VISA, please discuss this with your international advisor to see about any VISA related concerns.
- If you request a leave of absence or withdrawal for medical or mental health concerns, contact the Dean of Students Office for additional support and to find out the medical withdrawal and leave of absence options.
Recommended offices:
- Meet with your faculty advisor to determine how your curriculum track and expected graduation date may be impacted.
- If you are an NCAA athlete, please speak to your coach to see if there are eligibility concerns you need to be aware of.
- If you receive financial aid, please speak to the Financial Aid Office regarding how your financial aid may be impacted.
- If you are receiving Veteran's Benefits, please speak to the VA certifying official to see how those benefits may be impacted.
4) After meeting with the recommended individuals, obtaining your required signatures and making a final decision, submit the official form to the Registrar’s Office.
Financial Considerations
If a student is receiving financial aid, it is strongly recommended that they contact the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing so that they can explain any financial consequences associated with the withdrawal.
For more information about the financial effects of withdrawal, please visit the following webpages:
Tuition refunds will be based on the date of official withdrawal, NOT on the date of last class attendance. The official withdrawal date is the date that the completed form is received by the Registrar’s Office. Should a student fail to meet the withdrawal deadline, they will be responsible for tuition for all scheduled classes. Please see the refund schedule for information on how refunds will be administered.
If you have questions, contact the Registrar’s Office or (414) 277-7215.