Raider Success Meeting Request

I am seeking assistance for:

Academic & Career Preparedness: Could include but not limited to: Class Performance and/or Attendance; Course Registration/Withdrawal; Grade Outcomes; Major Exploration; Probation/Suspension; Professor Expectations; Leaving University; Career Planning; Involvement; Procrastination/Motivation; Time Management; Test Performance; Ability   

Personal Matters: Could include but not limited to: Accountability/Responsibility; Decision-Making; Financial Obligations; Life Event; Cultural/Racial/Inclusivity; Connection/Belonging

Relationships: Could include but not limited to: Socialization; Family Expectations; Communication; Romantic Partner Confidence; Roommate Conflict 

Well-being & Health: Could include but not limited to: Stress/Anxiety; Sleep/Exhaustion; Nutrition/Diet; Energy; Exercise/Physical; Substance Use; Spiritual; Sexual Orientation

* = required field

I am seeking assistance for *
I would like to meet with *
Name *
Phone Number
Preferred Contact *
Student Status - check all that apply
I've been referred by: *

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