SAS works with over 200 students by using a team approach that includes the student, SAS staff, instructors, advisors, counselors and outside resources to assist faculty and staff with implementing accommodations and understanding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Student Accessibility Services provides reasonable accommodations designed to create equal educational access for students without compromising the essential elements of our curriculum. Eligibility for accommodations is done on an individual basis determined by student need. Student are required to meet with SAS staff each term to reevaluate their accommodations and check in. Accommodations can include but are not limited to:

Classroom Accommodations:

  • Permission to Tape Record Lectures
  • Supplemental Note Taking Assistance
  • Assistive Technology and Alternative Text
  • Preferential Seating
  • Accessible Workstations

Testing Accommodations: 

  • Extended Time
  • Reduced Distractive Test Setting
  • Alternative Test Format
  • Adaptive Technology

Learn more about the Testing Center

Academic Accommodations:

  • Faculty Accommodation Notification Letters
  • Early Registration
  • Academic Counseling

General Accommodations:

  • Housing Accommodations
  • Transportation/ Parking Accommodations
  • Advocacy

Documentation & Verification

Students are required to submit verification documentation prior to receiving accommodations through Student Accessibility Services. Prior history of accommodations does not guarantee its continued provision. All documentation should be current, preferably within the last three years, and must include not only the diagnosis but a description of how it impairs the students’ academics as well as recommended accommodations. All documentation will remain confidential and will not be part of the student’s educational file. Students can submit documentation they have on file or choose to use one of the verification forms below:

ADD/ ADHD Verification

Mental Health Verification

Verification of a Disability General Form 

For more Information

For more information or to meet with one of our Student Accessibility Services Staff, please complete and submit the SAS Inquiry Form.

Student Accessibility Services Staff

Angela Moureau
Assistant Director of Support Services &
Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services
Phone (414) 277-7281
Fax: (414) 277-7498