FAQs Regarding Probation
Definition of Probation Status
You are placed on academic probation when your term GPA, cumulative GPA OR cumulative major GPA are below 2.00.
What does it mean to be on probation?
Probation is an academic warning. It is a good time to reflect on what changes need to be made to ensure you will be more successful next term. Since both a 2.00 cumulative and cumulative major GPA are required for graduation, anytime your GPA is below that minimum level, we put you on probation as a warning. If you meet any of the probation criteria two terms in a row, you will be suspended from MSOE and will need to successfully appeal your suspension to continue as a student.
Does this affect my schedule?
If you are on probation, we encourage you to meet with your academic advisor before the registration deadline to determine a reasonable course load that will help you be successful. Students who are experiencing academic difficulty often benefit from taking fewer classes so that they can focus their efforts on fewer subjects. The committee suggests 14 credits and/or 4 courses as a guideline.
Most freshmen and sophomore students on academic probation will be required to participate in a non-credit class called Pathways to Academic Student Success (PASS). If you are required to take this class, you will be automatically registered for the class. Please check your schedule on myMSOE.
If you are a student who has gone through the suspension appeal process and the Student Advancement Committee limited you to a part-time course load, you must continue with the stipulation given by the committee until you are back in good standing.
How does a change of program affect academic status?
Academic status is determined based on the GPA earned for each term. This earned GPA is not affected by having courses removed from the calculation of your GPA because of a change of program; therefore, you are still on probation even if your GPA has been altered due to a change of program.
How do grade replacements affect academic status?
Academic status is determined based on the GPA earned for each term. This earned GPA used for academic status is not affected by grade replacements.
How do summer classes affect academic status?
Academic status is not re-evaluated after the summer term. Summer is considered a non-standard term and grades earned will not affect your status.
I failed a class last term; now what should I do?
Often, failing a class will cause you some prerequisite issues in future terms. You cannot be enrolled in a course if you failed the prerequisite. Prerequisites are listed in the course description section of the Academic Catalog. If you have questions regarding prerequisites, please review your schedule with your advisor to be sure you are in compliance with this policy.
Is there anything I can do to ensure that I will do better next term and get off probation?
Yes! MSOE has many other resources available to help you be successful. If you are not sure where to start, we encourage you to meet with one of the counselors in Counseling Services.
For help with: | Contact: |
Depression or other wellness issues | Counseling Services |
Determining if you are in the correct major for you | Counseling Services or your advisor or program director |
Financial Issues | Financial Aid |
Personal, family or relationship issues | Counseling Services |
Substance abuse issues | Counseling Services |
Tutoring | Raider Center for Academic Success |
Accommodations for physical or learning disabilities | Student Accessibility Services |
Study skills and time management | wellness@msoe.edu |
Who should I contact if I still have questions?
Mary Nielsen
Registrar and Chairperson of the Student Advancement Committee
(414) 277-7216