Suspension Appeal for Students not Currently Registered
If you are trying to return to MSOE after being suspended by the Student Advancement Committee or because you did not appeal your suspension status, you must successfully appeal before returning. The appeal is a written appeal. Your appeal is due in the Registrar’s Office at least 30 days before the start of the term in which you hope to re-enroll. Failure to meet the appeal deadline will likely mean that you will need to wait until the next term for your appeal to be heard. If you have been away from MSOE for 2 years or more and you did not leave in good standing, you must be readmitted through the Enrollment Management Office in addition to appealing through the Student Advancement Committee. As part of the readmission process, you will be updated to the most current version of the curriculum that you are pursuing. Your past coursework will be evaluated to see how your coursework fits into the new requirements.
Details about the written appeal:
This is a formal written appeal for you to be allowed to return to MSOE. It should be typed and free of typographical and grammatical errors. Although there is no length requirement, typically these appeals are approximately one page in length, single spaced.
You can mail your appeal as long as it will arrive by the deadline. You can also drop off your appeal in the Registrar’s Office (CC365). You can also email the appeal to the Registrar ( but if you do, please send it as an attachment not as the text of the email. Because your contact information may not be up-to-date, you must provide your current mailing address and one other form of contact (phone or email) within your appeal.
Address your appeal to:
Student Advancement Committee
c/o Registrar’s Office
1025 N. Broadway
Milwaukee WI 53202
What should I write in my appeal?
Before you write your appeal, you should take some time to think about the past. What kept you from achieving the 2.00 required to be in good standing? The first part of your appeal should be an explanation of what the issues were that led to your suspension status. There are many reasons for academic difficulty, and the reasons are different for every student. Reasons can be various things like health issues, homesickness, work obligations, uncertainty about major, lack of study skills, time management issues, personal issues outside of MSOE, etc. The more specific you can be in this part of the letter, the better. The appeal committee needs to see that you have done some soul searching and know what your challenges are and what needs to be changed when you return.
The second part of your appeal is your action planfor the future. What is different now? In the first part of your appeal you identified the issues that hindered your academic success. How are you going to work through those issues to be more successful in future terms? This part of your letter should be very specific. One of the most important things that you can do is attend another school while you are away from MSOE. A pattern of success at another school, especially in content areas that pertain directly to your major, helps to provide evidence that your past issues may be resolved. If you do attend another school, include a copy of a transcript or report card(s) with your appeal.
What happens after I submit my appeal?
The Student Advancement Committee reviews your letter and your academic records. One of two things happens: One outcome would be that the committee would deny your appeal to return. If your written appeal is denied, you have the option to meet with the committee to further discuss your academic difficulty. You will be asked questions to try to get at the heart of the problem. Students only get one chance to do a personal appeal with the committee.
The other outcome would be that you will be put on probation. This would mean that you are allowed to return as a student. If this happens, you are given various stipulations that you need to adhere to. The stipulations include a course limit, a requirement to meet with one of our counselors and often a requirement to meet with your academic advisor. Various other stipulations may be required based on your appeal letter and your academic record.
In either case, you will receive a letter from the Registrar indicating the result of the appeal.
Who should I contact if I still have questions?
Mary Nielsen, Registrar and Chairperson of the Student Advancement Committee