
Responsibility:  President's Office

Key Stakeholder(s): Faculty, Staff, Students

Goal and Rationale

Goal: To measure the extent of creating a culture that embraces MSOE’s shared values.

Rationale: Understanding the institution’s culture has as significant effect on its ability to impact the lives of the students, faculty, staff and community in which we engage. When we align our behaviors and internal practices to our core values, we build a culture that supports achievement of our mission.

Definition and Collection Plan

Formal Definition: A culture assessment will solicit feedback regarding whether internal practices and behaviors align with the core values. The values are: collaboration—we value working together within and across boundaries; excellence—we value the pursuit and achievement of excellence; inclusion—we value authentic engagement with diverse people, beliefs and ideas; innovation—we value creativity and new ideas for lifelong service, discovery and growth; integrity— we value doing the right thing in a reliable way; stewardship—we value the responsible use of our resources. As a part of the annual review process in which all employees will engage, individuals will document an employee’s participation in activities that are pre defined as demonstrating engagement with the values of MSOE. An MSOE employee is any individual who is employed at the university with a part-time or full-time faculty or staff position.

Frequency:  Annually, Bi-annually

Comparison Group(s): 6-year Historical Trend


Variables: Attainment for Each Value / Employee Participation

Audiences:  Faculty, Staff, Students, Board / General Public